Achieving Greatness in Education

We partner with schools, school clusters, and higher education institutions to build leaders at all levels, from the classroom to the school management team.

Preschool-Secondary Education

Comprehensive school improvement (Leader in Me®), professional development, coaching, and strategy execution for schools and school clusters.

Tertiary Education

Student Success, Professional Development, and Strategy Execution for Public and Private Universities, Junior Colleges, Technical Training Institutes, and Vocational Schools.

Success Stories
Raise the Bar
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From the classroom to the boardroom

As a community partner in northwest Ohio, Raise the Bar brings Leader in Me to schools, and The 7 Habits® to community organization as part of their workforce development efforts.

Collier County School District
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Implementing successful systems to overcome challenges

Watch how the implementation of Leader in Me in the Collier County School District in Naples, Florida, helped them break down problems and achieve their goals to build college, career, and life-ready students.

Jefferson Community & Technical College
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The Days of Being Marginally Successful Are Gone

See how Jefferson Community & Technical College used The 4 Disciplines of Execution® to empower all employees to play a role in student success. Everyone was encouraged to be intentional about their goals to increase the number of credentials awarded to students.

University of North Florida
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Producing a better tomorrow with leaders at University of North Florida

The main goal of UNF’s Taylor Leadership Institute is to equip students with the resources, skills, and experience to become leaders on campus and throughout their community. This story takes a closer look at how student-athletes are thriving in this unique program.

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